Liberty BASIC Workshop is a complete integrated development environment for programming in Liberty BASIC. Liberty BASIC Workshop is shareware. After the evaluation period, some of the tools are no longer available in the unregistered version.
* Multiple file creation and editing.
* Allows creation of multi-module projects via an 'include' directive.
* Open files, or preview in Code Explorer.
* Optional extended syntax coloring, which is fully customizable by the user!
* Allows user to create custom keyword list.
* Allows user to specify custom comments to be inserted as desired, or optionally added to new code windows.
* Includes optional prompt for comments when closing file.
* Optional line numbers in left margin.
* Optional indentation guides.
* Ability to split editing window into two panes.
* Ability to zoom size of text in editing windows at the touch of a button.
* Block indent/outdent.
* Block comment/un-comment of code.
* Tabbing in edit windows, includes option to set tab size.
* Optional auto-indent in editor, indents loops, if-blocks, subs and functions. Adds closings automatically: "end if" to "if" blocks, "wend" to "while" loops, etc.
* Optional Highlight of current line.
* Code lines may be bookmarked.
* Bookmark directive auto-sets bookmarks.
* Includes a tool to list all variables.
* Online syntax help is available. Just type a keyword (or highlight a keyword) and press F4 to pop up a syntax help box.
* Syntax Viewer that allows you to scroll through a list of all LB commands and functions to find what you need.
* Quick keyword insertion... just press F2 and scroll through the choices.
* 'Goto Line' tool.
* View or hide toolbars.
* File insertion capabilities.
* Statusbar provides pertinent messages plus NUM-Lock, CAPS-LOCK and INS status.
* Allows a user-defined helpfile to be run from the help menu.